Before the establishment of the GB Helpers almost everything was dictated by the GB. Even the most loyal members of the Bethel family had to admit that a few of the GB weren’t that bright. Their decision making process consisted of “Do we have the money?” if yes then “Let’s do it!”
If any corporation management suggested building or expanding a factory in one of the most expensive cities in the world they would lose their jobs. With the Helpers taking over more and more responsibility the GB are being pushed back into a more strictly religious role. With more decisions being made using logic vs. enthusiasm you’ll see less boned headed moves like purchasing the “Sliver” building.
Even when I was a true believer it was obvious that there were liberal and conservative camps in management. One example would be Patterson. Some pictured a gleaming, shining city on a hill. Where spiritual truths would pour out from heaven and Gilead students would go out in mighty droves. Others pictured it as waste of money and Gilead students as long term responsibilities that had a high cost to benefit ratio. Eventually they ended up with a hybrid Education Center slash moving some production out of Brooklyn Center.
Viewing things from a corporate standpoint here is what I see:
Sell all of the property in Brooklyn. Buying random buildings was stupid back then. Its stupid to keep them now.
DUMBO project – One facility that will house the corporate offices. No production, no expansion ever.
Rampo project – This will be the old folk’s home. Most of the assisted living care will be there. It will also be a good way to separate the old guard from the daily decision making process. I suspect some think even Rampo is to close.
Production – Anywhere that is cheap. Does it really matter where the stuff is printed. They would probably sell Wallkill and Patterson if they could.